Start the game as normal with just one bazooka shell. Arm the weapon, press and hold the fire button. Now press 'ESC'. Go to the armory and get rid of all your rockets. Now you can start the mission with infinite supply of bazooka shells. The same applies to all weapons as well.



USING THE KNIFE: Your knife is a very powerful weapon when used correctly and essential when on a stealth mission. As soon as you see an enemy, hit the floor and wait for them to come to you. If they dont, crawl (dont walk) towards them. When you in striking distance, stand up and use your knife to stab them or, if you're a professional, slit their throat.

USING FIREARMS: When using a gun, always lay down and fire as many of the enemy guards are unable to hit you on the ground. Shoot them as soon as you see them - if you know when they appear, its possible to shoot them before they even come on screen. This is especially important when killing the members of the elite enemy forces, identifiable by their red berets. If you know that there is an enemy soldier coming up that is not in you current firing range, prepare your gun before you get to them so you are able to quickly shoot up or down at them. This avoids having to aim while you are being shot at from all angles.

USING GRENADES: These are essential when destroying land mines placed by the enemy and can be directed to go in a specific direction by moving the cross-hair around the character and releasing fire to throw the grenade.



AKM Rifle
9 X AK47 Mags
5 X M26 Grenades
3 X Field Dressing Packs

Select the gun as soon as you start the mission. Drop onto the floor under the truck and kill the enemy that aproaches as soon as he comes onto the screen.

The leader of the enemy forces (the one with the beige beret) can be found at one of the following locations: either down from Tango 8, up from Tango 21, up frpm Tango 36 or up and left from Tango 37.

Once you have found him, kill him and the accompanying guard and leave the building. When at Tango 28/29 you will need to use a M26 grenade to kill a soldier and destroy some land mines. Now advance to your pick-up point at Tango 41.



AKM Rifle
4 X AKM47 Mags
2 X M26 Grenades
2 X Field Dressing Packs
5 X C4 Explosives

As soon as you land at the drop-off point, switch to the gun and kill the enemy soldier with the red beret. Push on until you reach the first hut at Bravo 7. Go inside to collect the first aid if you need it, then leave and destroy the hut with C4. To destroy the next hut at Bravo 10, you should first kill the two soldiers situated around the hut, kill the enemy soldier at the top of the tower and then finally destroy the hut. You will need to use a couple of M26 grenades after destroying the next hut at Bravo 14 and then progress to Bravo 26 where you can blow up the hut for extra points. Now go to the pickup point at Bravo 29 to complete the mission.



M177 CAR15 Rifle
5 X M177 Mags
5 X C4 Explosives
2 X M26 Grenades
2 X Field Dressing Packs

On this mission, you really need to search all the buildings, and keep count of the number of SAM missiles you have destroyed - you must blow up five to complete the mission. A good way to do this is to lay the explosives but not detonate them as you can see how many explosives you have laid by looking to see how many highlighted detonators there are.

Advance to Alpha 7 and enter the building there. Kill the enemy soldiers. Go upstairs, kill the other enemy soldier, place an explosive by the SAM in this room if theres one here and then search both soldiers to see if they have any ammunition. Exit and proceed to Alpha 13. Go up the ladder and enter the door at the top. Follow the stairs down and then down the stairs behind the crate in the next room. You should now be in a room with four crates stacked in the shape of an upside down T.

Behind these are more stairs. Go down these, which take you past the wall and carry on until you find the exit out of the building, placing another explosive next to any SAMs you see. Dont go out of the exit, but instead go up the stairs where you may find another SAM. Once this is destroyed, go back down the stairs and out the exit, making sure to crouch down when you come out as two soldiers are waiting here.

Kill them and progress to the next exit, then go upstairs and destroy any SAMs you find. Find the exit from the building at Alpha 27 but do not leave the building. Instead go right and shoot as soon as you enter the room. Go up the stairs, shoot the enemy and then go right, where you may find a SAM to destroy. Go up, destroying any more missiles you see and then down to the exit. Leave the building, kill the enemy and go up the ladder at Alpha 28. Progress on to Alpha 33 where you will be pick up.



MP5 Sub-Machine Gun
2 X MP5 Cartridges
6 X C4 Explosives
4 X Field Dressing packs

You will be dropped at map reference point Omega 0. As this is a stealth mission it is important that little noise is made, so use your knife at all times. Wait until you see a log at Omega 1 and then hit the floor and start to crawl. This will stop the enemy gun from firing at you which is very important as this is, remember, a stealth mission.

Crawl until you get past the gun bunker and kill the enemy inside. Now move on to Omega 9 where you will find the first hut that contains a hostage. Kill the enemy g uards outside the hut with your knife and then go into the hut. Kill the guard inside and free the hostage by cutting his bonds with your knife. Before you leave the hut, drop a C4 plastic explosive pack in the hut so you can create a diversion when all the hostages have been rescued. Repeat this procedure for each of the hostages in the huts at Omega 12, 15, 18, 20, 23 and 24 and then progress to the pre-determined pickup point, detonating the explosives to create that diversion along the way. Mission accomplished!

HOSTAGE NOTE: After the successful hostage rescue operation, some of the men on the front end mission roster that were previously listed as 'Missing In Action' will now be active and available for duty.